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Before you get too far along in your DIY refinishing project, you might want to consider that most varnish options out there are full of VOCs and other toxic fumes. Yikes. Why not opt for some non-toxic furniture finishes instead?!

You have trusted The Honest Choice team to bring you the best articles on non-toxic furniture, mattresses, cleaning products, and more.

In this article, the THC team of experts will take you through all of the eco-friendly wood finish alternatives that are revolutionizing the home improvement industry.

The Best Non-Toxic Furniture Finishes, in a nutshell…

Get ready to be amazed by all of the natural options out there. Each one is sure to enhance and protect the natural beauty of your beloved furniture pieces while keeping you and your loved ones safe from harmful toxins.

From time-tested classics like linseed oil and walnut wood wax to innovative newcomers made from clay and whey protein, there’s a non-toxic solution for every project and every style. 

As we explore these options together, you’ll discover that you don’t have to sacrifice quality or durability for the sake of your health and the environment.

It’s time to kick those old cans of toxic sealants and varnishes to the side. There are so many great options out there that are better for your health, better for your family, and better for the environment. Let’s dive in!

What are non toxic furniture finishes?

Conventional furniture finishes emit dangerous volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other toxic fumes that easily evaporate and irritate your lungs, eyes, and skin.

In contrast, non toxic furniture finishes keep VOCs and other toxic chemicals out entirely or well below established safety standards.

Instead of harsh chemicals, non-toxic finishes rely on the power of nature. They use ingredients like natural oils (tung, linseed, or walnut oil), water-based components, and even plant-based waxes like carnauba or beeswax.

These natural ingredients are generally much kinder to both your health and the environment.

What Toxic Chemicals Are Hiding In Most Furniture Finishes?

The toxic chemicals found in conventional furniture finishes easily evaporate into the air, filling your home with invisible irritants that can trigger a range of health problems.

  • Immediate Threats: When you inhale VOCs you run the risk of developing respiratory problems like coughing, wheezing, and even asthma attacks. You’ll likely experience irritation and burning sensations in your eyes, nose, and throat. You may also experience headaches. Skin contact can cause redness, itching, and allergic reactions.
  • Long-Term Worries: The concerns don’t stop there. Studies suggest chronic, long-term exposure to VOCs may be linked to serious health risks like cancer, reproductive problems, and even neurological damage.
  • Protect Yourself: Breathe easier by choosing non-toxic, low-VOC furniture finishes. Non toxic finishes prioritize creating a safe environment throughout the entire furniture finishing process.

This means minimal health risks for you during application, while the finish dries, and even over long-term exposure in your home. You can enjoy beautiful furniture without worrying about irritation, respiratory problems, or other health concerns.

The Best Non-Toxic Wood Finishes

Tung Oil

Tung oil is a great natural alternative non toxic wood finish for furniture.

It creates that subtle, classic look that highlights the natural beauty and character of your furniture without overpowering it.

Unlike typical furniture finishes that sit on the surface of the wood, tung oil penetrates deep into wood fibers, revealing the wood’s natural grain in all its glory.

The application process requires a little patience, as it involves multiple coats with proper drying times between each layer. However, the rewards are well worth the wait.

Once cured, the tung oil forms a durable, water-resistant barrier, safeguarding your furniture from scratches and spills.


$20-$30 for a pint

notable features

Made from milk protein, lime, and earth pigments – no synthetic ingredients, zero VOCs and no offensive odors, biodegradable and safe for people and the environment


USA, ships worldwide 

Linseed Oil

Linseed oil, derived from flaxseed, is a natural and non toxic furniture oil that offers many benefits.

This non-toxic, all-natural oil penetrates deep into the wood grain, providing protection against scratches and moisture while highlighting the natural beauty of the wood grain.

One of the biggest advantages of linseed oil is that it is completely non-toxic, making it a safe choice for finishing wood products that come into contact with food. Think cutting boards and wooden salad bowls. 

When applied to wooden pieces, linseed oil brings out rich colors and grain patterns, effectively hiding minor dents and scratches.

It also provides water resistance, making it suitable for indoor furniture exposed to occasional moisture.

Maintaining furniture finished with linseed oil is simple, requiring only occasional re-oiling to keep the wood looking its best. 

While it may develop a slight yellow hue over time and be susceptible to water rings or stains, the benefits of using this eco-friendly finish far outweigh these minor drawbacks.


$10-$30 for a quart or gallon

notable features

100% pure linseed oil with no added driers or solvents, very low odor, and zero VOCs, environmentally friendly and compliant with emissions regulations


USA, ships worldwide

Walnut Oil

Walnut oil is completely food-safe, making it an ideal choice for finishing wood products that come into contact with food, such as cutting boards and kitchen utensils.

Walnut oil is great for enhancing the natural color of the wood and effectively hides scratches and nicks while adding a layer of protection against water damage that can come with repeated washings. It can also be combined with beeswax for even better protection.

Applying walnut oil is easy. It can be easily rubbed into the wood surface using just a cloth. 

While it may not provide the most durable finish, like synthetic lacquers and varnishes, walnut oil is the best choice when it comes to finishing wood items that come in contact with your food.


$15-$25 for an 8oz bottle

notable features

Made from pure walnut oil with no solvents or drying agents, food-safe and non-toxic, low odor and zero VOCs


USA, ships worldwide

Hemp Oil

This 100% natural oil is free from added chemicals and is especially good for individuals with allergies or sensitivities to heavy-duty finishes.

Hemp oil penetrates deeply into the grain, providing a matte finish that looks both natural and polished.

In addition to its aesthetic benefits, hemp oil provides protection against water damage and UV rays, making it suitable for everything from cutting boards to outdoor furniture. 

It also offers moisture resistance and protection against heat damage that other natural oil finishes may not provide.

While very easy to apply with a brush or sponge, just note it may take up to 30 days to fully cure.


$30-$50 for a pint

notable features

Made from pure hemp and tung oil with no solvents or driers, zero VOCs, and no offensive odors, safe for humans, animals, and the environment


USA, ships within US only 

Rosewood Oil

Rosewood oil may be lesser known, but it’s its unique antibacterial and antiseptic properties are gaining attention as a good non-toxic option for finishing wood furniture.

It’s especially good for indoor furniture that might be at risk of deteriorating due to pests and harmful microorganisms.

But it can also be used as a non toxic wood sealer outdoors. However, it doesn’t provide much protection against physical damage, like dents and scratches.

If you’re after a natural finish, rosewood oil is a really good choice.

It enhances the appearance of wood by softening and toning the surface, reducing the visibility of imperfections without looking overly glossy.


$30-$50 for a pint

notable features

Plant-based oils and waxes with no biocides or preservatives, very low VOC content (<50 g/l), safe for humans, plants, and pets once cured


Germany, ships worldwide

Walnut Wood Wax

Walnut wood wax is a go-to favorite for finishing wood furniture naturally.

It provides a completely natural water-resistant finish that combines the best of oils and waxes.

Walnut wood wax creates a hard-wearing finish that protects your most beloved furniture pieces from daily wear and tear.

Once cured, it forms a surface that is safe for humans, plants, and animals, ensuring a healthy environment around your finished wood pieces.

Additionally, walnut wood wax is resistant to water and dirt, which makes it a great option for finishing wooden planter beds and flower boxes. 

Walnut wood wax is easy to apply. It can be applied using a cloth, brush, or sponge, and it doesn’t require a primer or sanding between coats, saving you time and effort.

In case of damage, the wax can be spot-repaired or refreshed easily, making it a convenient choice for maintaining your wood furniture.


$12-$35 based on product

notable features

FDA-compliant and food-safe for cutting boards/wood surfaces, no harsh chemicals, dyes, or solvents


USA, ships worldwide

Natural Shellac Resin

Shellac resin, which comes from the secretions of lac bugs, is a completely natural and hypoallergenic option for finishing wood.

We love that once it’s cured, it creates a surface that’s safe for everyone in the home, including kids and pets.

It provides a soft, natural finish that really makes the unique beauty of each piece shine through.

And despite its delicate appearance, shellac offers a tough finish that protects the wood from scratches and damage, even on furniture that gets a lot of use.

Another reason we love working with natural shellac resin is how quickly it dries, which means you can apply multiple coats in a short amount of time and finish your projects faster.

While shellac might not be as heat-resistant or waterproof as some other finishes out there if you’re looking for a safe and attractive way to finish your wood furniture that will really make the natural beauty of the wood shine through, give natural shellac resin a try.


$15-$30 per pound

notable features

Made from the secretions of the lac bug – a natural resin, no VOCs and non-toxic when dry, biodegradable and renewable resource


USA, ships worldwide

Carnauba Wax

While not the most heavy-duty option, carnauba wax is one of the easiest natural wood finishes to apply.

It’s perfect for any piece of furniture that looks a little dull or might need a quick pick-me-up.

It leaves a gorgeous, high-gloss finish that buffs away small scratches and sticky fingerprints.

While this is a wax, it’s not terribly water resistant, so we recommend going with walnut wood wax if you need a finish that will protect your furniture from moisture and spills.


$15-$30 per pound

notable features

Made from the secretions of the lac bug – a natural resin, no VOCs and non-toxic when dry, biodegradable and renewable resource


USA, ships worldwide

The Best Non-Toxic Furniture Stains

Rubio Monocoat’s user-friendly non toxic wood stain and sealer options are made from natural ingredients and are free of VOCs, solvents, and water.

Their unique formulations molecularly bond with wood fibers upon contact.

This means that a single coat is sufficient to protect and enhance the wood, reducing the amount of product you need.

They are dedicated to reducing the environmental impact of their products, using renewable plant-based resources in their formulations whenever possible.


$179.99 for 1.3 liters, $59.99 for 350 ml

notable features

Plant-based hard wax oil wood finishes made from natural ingredients, zero VOC, solvent-free, and do not contain any water or petrochemicals, food-safe once fully cured


Belgium, ships worldwide 

Tried & True is committed to using only traditional, natural ingredients that are safe for your health and the environment.

Their simple and pure formulations rely on ingredients like natural oils and beeswax, so you can feel good that their furniture finishes are effective and harmless.

You can confidently use their finishes knowing they are free from heavy metal driers, chemical additives, and solvents. 

Tried & True is also committed to good environmental stewardship, using renewable resources and eco-friendly production processes.

By choosing their products, you are not only getting an amazing finish for your furniture but also supporting a company that prioritizes the health of the planet.


$15-$40 for pints/quarts

notable features

Made from plant-based oils and waxes, non-toxic when cured, low VOC content


USA, ships worldwide

Osmo’s finishes are crafted from a unique blend of sunflower, soya, and linseed oils combined with natural waxes.

Unlike some other finishes that merely sit on the surface, Osmo’s products penetrate deep into the wood, allowing the wood to absorb the nourishing ingredients while preserving its breathability and natural texture.

All of Osmo’s finishes have low VOC content so they can be used indoors without worrying about harmful chemicals compromising your air quality or posing health risks to you and your loved ones.

It’s clear that Osmo is deeply committed to sustainability and health.

The company carefully selects its raw materials and employs eco-friendly manufacturing processes to minimize its environmental impact wherever possible.

Osmo also prioritizes transparency, making it easy for buyers to access detailed information about the formulation of their products and how to use them safely on their website.


$30-$60 for 2.5 liters 

notable features

Plant-based oils and waxes with no biocides or preservatives, very low VOC content (<50 g/l), safe for humans, plants, and pets once cured


Germany, ships worldwide

ECOS Paints is one of the best choices for non-toxic paint and varnish products that refuse to compromise on quality or style.

You can trust that your home will look beautiful without putting your health at risk.

ECOS formulates all of their products without any hazardous air pollutants or VOCs.

This means that their paints and varnishes are safe for everyone, especially those with chemical sensitivities, allergies, or asthma.

You can take a deep breath, knowing that your home’s air quality won’t be compromised.

One of the most impressive aspects of ECOS Paints is their transparency.

They provide a comprehensive ingredient list for all of their products right on their website, so you know exactly what you’re bringing into your home. No more guessing games or worrying about hidden toxins!


$20-$40 for quarts

notable features

Zero VOCs and virtually odorless, made from plant-based oils and resins, no hazardous air pollutants


USA, ships worldwide 

AFM Safecoat DuroTone is one of a few water-based, low-odor non toxic furniture stains that will leave your wood surfaces looking great.

And you don’t have to worry about compromising your health or the environment when using it.

AFM is committed to creating a product line that is completely non-toxic.

By eliminating harsh solvents, preservatives, and VOCs, AFM’s stains ensure that you won’t be exposed to any harmful fumes or unpleasant odors when you use them. It’s a breath of fresh air, both literally and figuratively.

AFM goes above and beyond standard regulations, subjecting their products to rigorous testing for off-gassing and avoiding any ingredients that could pose a risk to you or the planet.


$30-$50 per quart

notable features

Made from natural plant oils and resins, safe for sensitive environments


USA, ships worldwide 

The Best Non-Toxic Wood Sealants

When we say that Vermont Natural Coatings is truly a unique product, we’re not exaggerating!

Vermont Natural Coatings has developed a truly revolutionary wood sealant that harnesses the power of an unlikely ingredient: whey protein. Yes, you read that right.

The same byproduct from cheese making is now being used to create a non-toxic, eco-friendly, and incredibly durable wood finish.

Despite its all-natural formulation, their whey protein-based sealant leaves a surprisingly long-lasting finish that can withstand the daily wear and tear of busy households.

Say goodbye to constant touch-ups and hello to a beautiful, resilient finish that lasts.


$40-$60 per quart

notable features

Made from whey protein and plant-based oils/waxes, safe for indoor environments like kitchens and nurseries 


USA, ships worldwide 

We love that this floor finish from BioShield is a stain and non toxic waterproof sealant for wood all in one!

With just one product, you can prime, seal, and finish. How convenient is that?

Whether you’re revamping furniture, sprucing up gardening tools, or tackling any other project, this stain has got you covered.

BioShield is a German company that makes some of the purest wood finishes available.

Their products are completely solvent-free, water-based, and have zero VOCs. They are even safe for waterways.

Enjoy a beautiful, long-lasting finish without any health-harming off-gassing or fumes.


$50-$80 per gallon

notable features

Water-based with very low VOCs (<50 g/L), no solvents, formaldehyde, or heavy metals, safe for kids and animals once cured 


USA, ships worldwide 

Earthborn, a UK company, has been making waves in the paint industry since 2002 with their commitment to creating eco-friendly, healthier alternatives to conventional paints and varnishes.

At a time when most commercially available paints were laden with harmful chemicals and high VOC content, Earthborn set out to create something different.

They developed a range of paints that not only performed better but also prioritized the health of both the environment and the user.

When it comes to natural wood finishes, there are often few shades or colors to choose from. But that isn’t the case with Earthborn.

They have a wide range of eco-friendly paints and home improvement products available in their signature 72 colors. You can let your imagination run wild!


£20-£30 per liter

notable features

Low odor and minimal VOCs, made from natural plant oils and waxes, safe for children’s toys and nurseries


UK, ships to UK and EU only 

How to choose the right non-toxic furniture finish for your project

When selecting a non-toxic finish for your furniture project, consider the wood type, desired aesthetic, durability, and maintenance requirements so you can be sure you’ll get the best end result.

Wood Type (Solid Wood vs. Veneer)

For solid wood, you have more flexibility in finish options and can use oil-based, water-based, and penetrating stains.

However, keep in mind that denser hardwoods absorb finishes slower than softer woods, affecting the evenness of the application.

Veneer furniture, on the other hand, typically requires water-based finishes or light oil applications to prevent warping or damage to the thin wood layer. If the veneer already has a finish, opt for a compatible type to avoid lifting or adverse reactions.

Finish Type (Matte, Satin, Gloss)

The finish type will greatly impact the visual appeal of your furniture. Matte finishes hide imperfections and create a natural, low-luster look, good for rustic or antique styles.

Satin finishes offer a subtle sheen and are easier to maintain, while gloss finishes provide a high shine, highlighting wood grain and creating a more formal look.

Durability and Maintenance

Don’t forget to consider the expected use and traffic when choosing a finish. For high-traffic pieces like tables and chairs, prioritize durable finishes like high-durability water-based finishes.

Less-used furniture can opt for less-durable finishes like natural oils or waxes, which offer a more subtle look but require more frequent reapplication.

How to apply and maintain your non toxic furniture finish:

Preparation is Key: Preparation is the most important step when applying non-toxic furniture finishes. Begin by cleaning and sanding the wood surface, removing any dust, dirt, or existing finish. Gather your supplies, and work in a well-ventilated area.

Start with a thin, even coat of the finish, using long, smooth strokes with the grain of the wood. Pay close attention to corners and edges to avoid drips or uneven coverage. Some finishes benefit from light sanding in between coats for a smoother final result.

Application Tips: Apply several thin coats rather than one thick coat, allowing each layer to dry completely before applying the next. Refer to the manufacturer’s recommendations for drying times, as they can vary depending on the product and environmental conditions.

Safety and Cleanup: Safety should always be at the top of mind when working with any wood finish. Always read and follow the manufacturer’s safety instructions, including proper disposal guidelines for leftover products. Clean up spills immediately and properly dispose of used rags.

This has been our list of top picks for non-toxic furniture finishes for 2024.

From classic tung oil to revolutionary whey protein-based sealants, we’ve explored the growing options for non-toxic furniture finishes. It’s clear that the future of home decor lies in embracing the power of nature.

Gone are the days when we had to choose between style and safety. Brands like Real Milk Paint, Rubio Monocoat, and Vermont Natural Coatings are leading the charge, offering a great selection of eco-friendly options that prove we really can have it all.

By choosing non-toxic finishes, you’re not just transforming your home, you’re becoming part of a global movement that’s redefining the way we live. One beautifully finished piece of furniture at a time.

Have you tried any of these awesome furniture finishes? Tell us how it went! We love hearing from you.

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